Coupon-Clipping Your Daily Tasks: How to Save Time with Organization

Few things can frazzle a parent like the craziness of their day-to-day schedules. From work responsibilities to PTO meetings, ballet lessons to baseball practice, parents can feel like pulling their hair out with all of the running they have to do every day. It’s very easy to feel like you have spent your entire day on the go with little to show for it except utter exhaustion as you crash into bed to do it all over again the next day. They say the heftiest price tag in life lies in the time we spend on the things we do, so perhaps it’s time to start discount shopping our overall task time. Think of it as coupon clipping for five minutes off your morning routine or ten minutes saved during meal time. Sound like something you could get behind? Us too. So, we’ve scoured the net for some seriously ingenious hacks to help coupon-clip your daily time-spent “expense” down to a more affordable time budget for you. Who knows – you might even be able to get things down enough to have that w...